Sunday, May 31, 2009

5.31.09 Lazy Day..

Summer school starts tomorrow...10 am to 1 pm. I'm taking gym for credit...ugh.. I hate the heat. At least almost all of my friends are in my class though.....

Nothing is really going on here. Nothing noteworthy anyway. I might dye the tips of my hair bright red if we ever get around to it...I've been planning it for like a month now... :/

Yeah, I moved the promotions sections down below because it was taking up a lot of space..No one really goes here anymore anyway..

My internet is acting up. It disconnects itself a lot more than it used to. I don't know what I would do if it completely broke...
Here's some pics of my history class on the last day of friends made the litter colored chain thing and wrote my name and "crazy germans forever" like a thousand times on the board. It was neat.. Mr. Walker called me and my friends the crazy Germans cuz all our last names are like super German names..I'm not gonna say them here for obvious reasons of course..but here's some pics..

аıı пцяотє

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