Thursday, May 14, 2009

5.14.09 ND_VID

Allo.. xD

So Mike finally updated his blog today. Thuper Exthited. New Divide is gonna have a video, and of course it's gonna be kick-ass. :)

In other news, I'm on now..I can't put my story up yet because apparently you have to wait for 2 days. Sheesh. Come on people. I only have one story though. I don't plan on making anymore or anything. But whatever, who knows.

Also--last night I went to the local campground thing to the book fair. Which just so happens to be in the ghetto part of my hick town..not that scary, but still. Which brings us to my top ten lists! Ok, I've never had one before. Shut up. But I thought now would be an appropriate time to goes...(wish me good luck. this is a tuffy.)

10. I'm whiter than snow. For real.
9. I can't talk gangster to save my life.
8. I do not own a gun.
7. I get scared easily. And pee myself easily. (yeah, yeah, laugh it off)
6. I'm not a "gangster".
5. I'm on the Math Team. I'm a full-blown nerd.
4. I hate rap...well, except for Mike Shinoda. hehe. That might make them beat me even more lol.
3. I be not in da jargon of da gangstas bitch-ass-hoes.
2. I'm probably gay.
and the #1 reason I'd get my ass kicked in the ghetto is...

1. I'm going to a BOOK FAIR that's having a SUPER SALE on a Wednesday night RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL. And I'm super excited about it.

haha it sucks. but whatever. xD

аıı пцяотє

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