Monday, May 25, 2009

5.25.09 Back Home

So this weekend I went to Kansas City. Yeah..Friday was the chat with Brad..I missed it cuz my internet connection was acting weird. :/ oh well.

Hmm...not much happened...that I remember. Blah...boring day. I watched Transformers. It was legendary. That's about all that happened that is noteworthy. I bought chalk today. I drew a gangster rubber duck with an easter egg flying through the sky and cotton candy clouds. I feel that the older I get, the younger my mind gets...if that's possible. Whatever.

Ooh..I got a new cover for my iPod. It's an "iWrap" or whatever. It can stick to glass and metal and other stuff...pretty cool. Got it at a mall in Asian guy put it on. It was wicked rad. xDxD

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