Saturday, June 6, 2009

06.06.09 FuckFace/SoreLegs

So today my friend came over and we rode our back all around town. But whatever, that's not what I'm here to talk about.

Mr. Fuckface Perez Hilton (full name Perez Douchebag Hilton) posted on his OUTRAGEOUS BLOG I might add about Bradford speaking at the UCLA graduation because effing James Franco backed out. Here's the link.

And here's an excerpt from it.

"Turns out they've selected Brad Delson of Linkin Park to deliver the keynote statement at the Letters and Science commencement ceremony.
We're sure the kids in this year's graduating class are thinking, "Wait, what's Linkin Park?""

Yeah. Lord. Here's some people's comments...

posted by History:
Perez you're the one insulting UCLA students by insisting they won't know who Linkin Park is. After all they are still very much working. They recorded a song for Transformers, and they have a new album coming out in 2010.

posted by rachieeee:
Okay, wouldn't the UCLA class of 2009 be older than 19 by now? (you say they would have been nine 10 years ago…)?

I seriously hate people.

аıı пцяотє

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