Tuesday, March 24, 2009

plan z..

this is sad. 3rd post in one day. but i have a lot to cover so shut up.

here's some pics from my amazing journey down to texarkana. =]]

air water sign on the way back. that SUV had some pimps in it, and i was standing randomly trying to take a pic w/ my phone and this arkansas gangsta stepped out and i thot he was either gonna (a) rape me or (b) kill me. xO it was really awkward and scary.

we went there the last time we went down (its on the way there). the road down there is crazy scary. btw, it says "Natural Bridge of Arkansas". if u cant read it. =]]

i've never seen this sign before. it was at the same gas station as the scary pimp. and may i say, this is like the best/worst gas station ever. it has everything from bad pimps to poor black ppl (im not racist btw) to actual hicks/cowboys. it was awesome. and crazy at the SAME TIME. =]]

this would be my dickhead cousin Cole in a darth vader mask, shirtless and in boxers. i thot it was funny. so i secretly took a pic. haha. he doesnt know. bastard. =]]

ok, im not sure why i took a picture of this, but i was really giddy on the ride down there and i laughed at this for about an hour. haha. it just looked funny i guess. >.<

boring kansas roads. not in kansas tho, but if u ever drive in kansas, pretty much once u get on the road u can see an hour ahead its so flat. plus theres like never any cars.
love all s. =]]

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