Saturday, March 28, 2009

awesome previews on Comedy Central

this morning i was watching Comedy Central, just Jim Gaffaghan-in' it up. =]] and while on the computer i heard a familiar song in the background. i looked at the tv and guess what...the new movie, Crank: High Voltage, was playing its preview. with the song "Given Up". by LP of course. =]]

to be short, i basically screamed and jumped up and down. but here's the website to check it out. and yes, folks, mr. sexii Chester Bennington will in fact be in this movie. but just a little part..still freakin' sweet though. xPP

from the website:
"Crank 2: High Voltage is the follow-up to Crank's electrifying success, keeping alive Hitman Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) as he launches himself on an electrifying chase through Los Angeles in pursuit of the Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart."

be sure to check it out. and while you're at it, makes sure LP wins Fuse's "greatest artist of all time."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Baaaaad Radio Prank

so i found this youtube vid on Sodahead....i had to put it up. its possibly the BEST THING EVER!!!! =]]

ugh i love it :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

new...everything :)

don't know if u (jun) noticed but i got a new template and i figured out how to promote some shit so there ya go. =]]

just wanted to blog since i changed so much....kinda talking to like one person so its kinda ridiculous but whatever... :S

american idol blows this year. wow. xPP lates^^

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

some music i'm into right now...

Have A Nice Day, Stereophonics.

I had to put this up. I grew up with this guy, his name's Stephen, he's about...13 i think. He's 2 years younger than me..i laugh cuz its so funny that he plays the guitar now. i've been in that room right there. =]] He's playing The Fly by U2, his favorite band. yayy. xPP

i go to school with her. cracks me up. but were not friends. ah hell no. =]]

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

watching Milk

This video is for all the homophobes out there.


I hope you know that you are hurting millions of people. I hope you know that the next generation will look at you in shame and embarrassment. If only you could forget about your "special God" for one moment and realize that you are causing people more hurt than is needed, more grief than you yourself would ever be able to handle. And more importantly, KISS MY ASS YOU CLOSE-MINDED FUCKHEADS.

yeah. this PISSES ME OFF TO NO END. one thing you should know about me: I DON'T FUCK AROUND ON THIS ISSUE. if you want to get me going on something, this is the issue to use. fuckheads.

plan z..

this is sad. 3rd post in one day. but i have a lot to cover so shut up.

here's some pics from my amazing journey down to texarkana. =]]

air water sign on the way back. that SUV had some pimps in it, and i was standing randomly trying to take a pic w/ my phone and this arkansas gangsta stepped out and i thot he was either gonna (a) rape me or (b) kill me. xO it was really awkward and scary.

we went there the last time we went down (its on the way there). the road down there is crazy scary. btw, it says "Natural Bridge of Arkansas". if u cant read it. =]]

i've never seen this sign before. it was at the same gas station as the scary pimp. and may i say, this is like the best/worst gas station ever. it has everything from bad pimps to poor black ppl (im not racist btw) to actual hicks/cowboys. it was awesome. and crazy at the SAME TIME. =]]

this would be my dickhead cousin Cole in a darth vader mask, shirtless and in boxers. i thot it was funny. so i secretly took a pic. haha. he doesnt know. bastard. =]]

ok, im not sure why i took a picture of this, but i was really giddy on the ride down there and i laughed at this for about an hour. haha. it just looked funny i guess. >.<

boring kansas roads. not in kansas tho, but if u ever drive in kansas, pretty much once u get on the road u can see an hour ahead its so flat. plus theres like never any cars.
love all s. =]]

"it's not bald it's.....thinning!" -Spongebob Movie

so im gonna try to recap as well as i can without going on for eternity...
  • last weekend, i went down to texarkana for my cousin Alex's wedding. it was awesome, whatever it was a wedding. >.<>
  • i'm on spring break right now, all this week. school starts back next week...
  • yesterday my laptop broke so we went to fix it (and we did btw) at best buy, and this $20 was burnin' a hole in my pocket, so i decided i would buy Coldplay's new(ish) album Viva La Vida...@ best buy its like 17 effing bucks, && i knew it was @ walmart 4 cheaper, so i went there. except they didnt have it and now im sad.. >.<
  • while at my cousins' house this weekend, (they're like the biggest music family everrr) my cousin Ian's dad Brian burned me a copy of his band, Anger Management. =]] they're not together anymore cuz the drummer "found jesus"...ridiculous...but its like the best death metal band ever. =]]
  • brian also burned me and my mom a cd of the Stereophonics and im slowly falling in love with them. xPP
  • last thursday i joined the math team. yeah its pretty balla. =]] and guess who's in it....the one and only malaysian guy at my school...**scoreee!!!!!** haha...we have a competition the thursday we get back from spring break...its gonna be awesome. so yeah, im a total geek now. officially. xP
  • as u might have noticed i changed the blog title..i felt it was getting old >.<>
  • my cat kallie is laying on me right now and its really sweet....shes my baby :))
  • im gonna put up some pics of my trip down there in a little while probably.

oh and ps, i updated my other blog...but only w/ lyrics that i wrote. =]]

Sunday, March 22, 2009

what i've been up to...

sorry i havent been on...but herrrrr:::::::: :)) [i've developed an obsession for paint]

im gonna blog lates, i promiseee =]]

Thursday, March 12, 2009

insert title here. a lot has happened today. >.< i had school (duh), it was a busy school day like always. normal. then after school, me and james went out to target and culvers....and at culver's, James was being a dumbass and dropped the number thing that they give the lady at the drive-thru window was like, Just pull forward. so we did. but we heard a strange cracking sound. yeah..we ran over the goddamn number. haha it was SO funny. xP so we stole it lol. i'll put pics up later on. good times.

on with my painting adventures......

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

hmm.... >.< (?)

ughhhhh i hate being sick like this.... :(

so i'm watching re-runs of ABDC and i've come to the conclusion that Quest Crew and Beat Freaks should never dance together. never ever ever.'s like....William Hung singing with Aretha Franklin. you don't even touch her dude. it's like....Miley Cyrus with LP. wh0.oaa. that was random.... 0.o

and also, i love Victor Kim....yaya... xP something else that i've realized...gangstas annunciate. "ya'll were giving us in-tri-cate..........................................movement." haha. cracks me up every time.

Monday, March 9, 2009

BS=Britney Spears....coincidence? xP

so...i updated my story. after a while.... my friend requested it....made me feel kinda cool watching ABDC right now...a re-run, the Britney Spears episode....Victor is SO hot omg. xP it makes me feel special cuz my cousin clogs, and he had a contest this past weekend...won FIRST PLACE boo-yah! suck on that....its really cool to see Dynamique Edition up there clogging... ^_^

hey ya'll, head over to and check out the new mixtape song he has!! woo-woo! yay..

so i was sick today...*sigh* long story i dont wanna talk about it. >.< *sigh*

Saturday, March 7, 2009


just made this.....

just something im playing around with. xP

"that's not my booby buddy" -United States of Tara

yay.... xP so today me and james went out....we went to Borders, Shoe Carnival, Best Buy, Guitar World, Staples, Osceola's, and a flea market....and the best part is i bought the LPU6 pack at best buy...yay... xP and also theres this AMAZING hot guy who works there, at best buy, on the geek squad, and he looks JUST LIKE mr. hahn..omg its crazy. >.<>.< cya

Friday, March 6, 2009

oh emm geee its finally back! grrrrr *sigh*

so u all've missed a lot...i got my LPU8 plaque (pics later) and my LPU8 pack (again, pics later) crew won america's best dance crew, of course. yayyy victor yeah...i've been playin on my keyboard instead of online cuz my laptop had a shitload of viruses and that stuff.. >.< yeah. thats whats been going on...mel and james had a falling out on sunday...james cried THE WHOLE DAY OMG IT WAS PURE TORTURE....*sigh*....but yeah..thats whats going on.....*sigh*...tired...........

jun::miss crazy....idk how i've survived these last few days without talking to u...or being online...jeez....i'll try to blog again soon....*sigh*

Monday, March 2, 2009

oh crap

hey laptop has spyware on it, so i'll be gone off the computer (sobs) for at least a few days.....eeks...not sure what im gonna do...i guess work on school stuff lol..pizzeace^^

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