Monday, February 16, 2009

look at his lymphnodes...they're wayyyy to big! xP

haha. =]] house...

yesterday (sunday) my mom made me a list of chores to do daily and weekly....u know, the normal...scoop the litter box, straighten up the living room/dining room/kitchen, clean my bathroom, vacuum, do laundry, etc. for 15 bucks a week...$$$$$ so yeah....(ugh. i hate bragging...dammit.....ugh..) so i'll be like...not lot for awhile... :/ ill try my hardest to update everyday (tous les jours...for u french folks) but i cant promise anything...

love all s.

ps. JUN, MICH, ANYONE READING THIS:: IF UR READING THIS, LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY LPU PAGE (or email me) THAT SAYS "CHEEZBURGAZ IN THE HIZZY BITCH!!"...just want to know if anyone's reading this.... >.<

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