Saturday, February 28, 2009

my sketch...

"Negative 2 squared"

really random..if u want to make one, go to and just go to sketchstar...its pretty cool.... xP

ps. im working on that design...idk i think it looks cool..... :

my fun day on youtube.

some vids.....boring day. i woke up at noon about...and my mom and james are asleep...napping... :/ weirdd...

so this first clip is from Step Brothers. xP that boy can sing!!

some Benchwarmers clips....pretty balla.

So You Think You Can Dance: Malaysia clip i found....sweeetness..

So You Think You Can Dance close attention...some sweet action goin' on. xP

**I do not own Benchwarmers, So You Think You Can Dance, Youtube, Step Brothers, Malaysia, hot Asian guys, or any of the above. lates^^

Friday, February 27, 2009

-2^2 (negative two squared...)

so i've been thinking...theres a lot of acronyms that stand for other things...for example:

=M.S. can stand for Multiple Sclerosis.....or Mike Shinoda.

heres some more... ;)

PMS==Premenstrual syndrome (i think i just threw up a little in my mouth....), postgraduate medical school, or Perpetual Motion Squad (The Big Bang Theory it and u'd get it....)

PHD==this is a toughy to really means "doctor of philosophy" but whatever...the other one is: (ick...) pretty huge d*^k. (u can figure it out on ur own.)

LP==Les Paul, liquid propane, Lumbar Puncture, Libertarian Party, lesbian pornography, (got most of these off a in a sec) and LINKIN PARK!! xP

FM==frequency modulation, fire marshall, Fat Man (a-bomb), fireman, family medicine, Fleetwood Mac, and FORT MINOR!!!

CB==contrabass, cheeseburger, chastity belt, and CHESTER BENNINGTON!!! yaya... =]]

RB==running back, rock band, recycle bin, root beer, righteous babe, rubber band, and ROB BOURDON!! =]]

BD==boulevard, big deal, blu-ray disc, back door (hehe), bipolar disorder, bachelor of drama, and BRAD DELSON! xP

JH==John Hancock, Jimi Hendrix, Jekyll/Hyde, Juvenile Hemochromatosis, and JOE HAHN!!! hahn.. haha..yay.... xP

DF==drug free, delta force, dark friend, die famous, and DAVE FARELL...Phoenix durrhh!! xP

(this may be the best one):

VD==Venereal Disease (ewwwwwwwww), Vaginal Discharge (ewwwwwwwwww), vote democratic, and...and.... VALENTINES DAY. yesss haha. score.....BURN! -2^^ LiNk&^%


that is the official answer for questions u dont want to answer. hey all, whats ur class rank? uh...negative two...hey all, ru a virgin? ....negative 2. xP -2

no links in this one. not much time...its 7 o'clock. EVERYONE go to and go to to vote for QUEST CREW!! u can look forward to some youtube vids of their performances soon....or just type in "quest crew" on youtube...or google. xP VOTE VOTE VOTE voting closes MARCH 5 at midnight i think....just do it. (nike)

^^ lates..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

everybody loves the drama geeks

updated my story. yup.....watchin American Idol..i should be doing chores and writing a paper...oh well! >.<



i deleted my social network "Spike Minoda is a BEAST". the link NO LONGER WORKS. the new link is HERE....i just changed the URL pretty much...not much more time. :S lots of homework...spent 2 hours at Borders, no time.... >.< lates.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

>.< just a little depressed....not 2 bad tho

so i've been thinking.....i explore the internet a lot...i recently joined (ellen degeneres....) and i made my own "social network"...for those of u who want it, here.

for some reason i just realized that im completely alone...... :S at least i have....LP i guess...thats something. >.<

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


just updated my story again...i cut it off cuz its getting late and i dont want to be online much longer.....American Idol wasnt on im watching The Big Bang Theory season 1 on DVD. pretty sweet. anyway. the story. there ya go. (i love this "add a link" thing...)

pizzeace^^ holla to some1 special in malaysia..

i just ate 6 pieces of pizza suck on that. xP new record...

So You Think You Can Dance, last year, Top 8. song is Universal Mind Control by Common....i dont own SYTYCD or common or anything. i got this vid from youtube...the magical land for ppl needing pimpin videos. or: ML4PNPV. =]] très hyper, yes?

Monday, February 23, 2009

almost bedtime *yawn*

i updated my story on my other blog. almost bedtime.... 9 pm...need to go to sleep....


tracks from my new cd...didnt upload them off youtube.


ballin'...balla day... ♫

so im really proud of myself.....finally figured out how to post a youtube vid... xP yaya...

today...nothing. no homework or anything....actually after school i tried to find a rule for this i'll put it here maybe it'll help...(yeah. im a major nerd.)

x y
1 1
2 3
3 7
4 13
5 21
6 31
7 43
8 57

so i know it has to be squared.... something like y=1/6x^2...cant really do it on the computer lol. xP so yeah..just wanted to prove that im a geek apparently :S

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

quick thing..

check out my bro...pretty much... we grew up together.


saturday.....bored car

ello....i was explorin Photobucket today....found these funny shirts::

more later...maybe.

Friday, February 20, 2009

ya'll are hhhot right now aight?

representin' fo the best crew that ever walked the earth:::: Quest Crew! xP

America's Best Dance Crew on MTV. got the links off of youtube. i dont own any of it or anything k? =]]

**Week 1

**Week 2

**Week 3

**Week 4

**Week 5

**Week 6

dammit i wish i could figure out how to just put the stupid things on here. grr....... >.<

fred armisand is amazing

hey...yeah. kinda like super-pimpin right now. i won the LPU trivia challenge...i get a plaque..well they picked 20 random ppl, so im not the only one that won... =]] still awesome tho!!

so this weekend will be mom's staying the weekend uptown. james is staying with me and her girlfriend and her son is coming up it'll be fun..but my mom won't be here so it'll be weird.... :S

so im like...whatever.... xP


Thursday, February 19, 2009

howdy ya'll. xP so i got my twitch glasses goin' on. (if u dont know what that is.....go here.) my bro's in town but he's i cant see him this time... =[[ oh well.

ok. i hate writing...and i hate what i write. and i just hate it...but im writing a story..(im pissed about it....grr..) so if you want to read the first part of it...(ugh i think im gonna barf...*sigh*) go here.

yeah. totally figured that out by myself..(myself ask why [but in my mind i find..] i cant rely on myself..) sorry couldnt help myself. anyway..yeah. kinda proud of myself right now^^

au revoir!! lol

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

where'd you go..i miss you so...

seems like its been forever..since you've been gone... =]] yaya fort minor... xP

so hey...changed the blog title...just trying it out, its temporary..and fo u ppl readin this, go to!!! he has a new blog for aspiring musicians..(i think i used that word right...whatever...) u have to have a clique id to comment tho, only ppl in bands who want to advertise can comment...he has one coming up that's for all the non-band..ppl... =]] u know what i im gonna make like banana and split. lates.^^

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Whores and Hypocrisy

ello mateeys! xP so like...idk.holla holla. =]]

fo' all ya'll readin this who ain't in the LPU such...join. fo shit. and when u do, tell them that told u 2. yupyup...we're having a referral contest. fo yo guys, get the online only pass...if u like LP at all, u'll love it...its a great community and its a lot of fun...lots of other ppl there like other bands, it's not like all other bands are banned from being mentioned. =]] so do it. i want to win, as the awesome mr. hahn would say, in the making of the what i've done music video in the special edition-book-like-cover of minutes to midnight, DO IT.

im out.^^

Monday, February 16, 2009

look at his lymphnodes...they're wayyyy to big! xP

haha. =]] house...

yesterday (sunday) my mom made me a list of chores to do daily and weekly....u know, the normal...scoop the litter box, straighten up the living room/dining room/kitchen, clean my bathroom, vacuum, do laundry, etc. for 15 bucks a week...$$$$$ so yeah....(ugh. i hate bragging...dammit.....ugh..) so i'll be like...not lot for awhile... :/ ill try my hardest to update everyday (tous les jours...for u french folks) but i cant promise anything...

love all s.

ps. JUN, MICH, ANYONE READING THIS:: IF UR READING THIS, LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY LPU PAGE (or email me) THAT SAYS "CHEEZBURGAZ IN THE HIZZY BITCH!!"...just want to know if anyone's reading this.... >.<

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i heart spongebob. =]]
so..i had to make a huge decision today...about some stuff...for valentine's day.... =O *gasp* james wants me to pick btwn 2 books. a huge fuckin' balla medical book....or the house and philosophy book mentioned earlier....ugh... :S this is hard...(thats what she said...hahahahahahaahahahahah) :))
gotta go...not lovin' the lil' caesars pizza goin on in my tummy. xP ttyl guys^^

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

ayyy.....omg my food is here... =]] im at a cozy cafe in chicago..haha got u. im on the sofa with my friend blogging. i think our subway is here^^

so...lookie!!! xP yayyyyyyyayyayyyy trying to convince my mom to buy me this at borders..i saw it last night (thursday) and it was like the last i hid it behind some new book by david baldacci..james it buying it for her gf. =]] so cross ur fingers......i might get it!!!!!! ^.^ heh hehe...
xx all s. xx
ps...valentines day in 4 hours...and single. *sweet*. :S

..busy weekend...

this is probably THE BEST cat video EVER. i laughed so hard the 15 times i watched it that i CRIED. my friend corey and i watched it together for the first time and we both cried. =]] totally watch it homies. "that was ridiculous homies.."

xx all s.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"we got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"..

yup. its here folks. the best day of the mo' fuckin year...except for like xmas and like my def in the top 5.
happy perthday mikeeey!!!!!!!!!!!! we love u!!! ~~mike shinoda forever~~ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 MOTHER FUCKING HOT!!!..*yesssss*....... xP


love all s. ~~LP4ever~~

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



it's MIKE SHINODA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyayayayayyyy!!!!!! =]]

so...some more pics for u guys.... =]]

love all s. ~~mikeeeey forever!!!~~

Monday, February 9, 2009

i am a vampire-vampire-ire....lost my fangs....

=]] yay for Juno soundtrack...*yayyy....* *clapclapclap...* yay... this post is dedicated to Mr. Michael Kenji Shinoda. yeah..his birthday is Wednesday...February 11. sweet i know....woo...yaya.

today's official song is "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. the amazing Beyonce married to the pimpin' i far as the 7 degrees thing, if i could find a direct link or two to Beyonce, then i'd be 2 degrees away to =]]

i guess thats all...some pics of mike? well, ok. only cuz u asked. =]] (umm...i dont really talk to myself. just a figure of speech..)

love all s.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

stayin' at my uncle's house.

hey guys...well me and my mom are staying at my uncle's new house in a disclosed location. (lol)...the house is amazing!! its has all this history...its just really really its 2 stories...and u can go up these steps OUTSIDE and theres a door right on the roof. anyway, i took some pics. commentation by them. =]]

south side of the house. the parlor is behind those windows..

south side of the house..looking at the flag.

east side of the house. (front)
parlor window and part of the porch. facing northwest.
west side of the house...u can see the door on the roof. =]] yay..
kitchen. btw this is a really old historic house.^^
living room, stairs going to the second floor...and office area..
view from the front door just walking in. i was phone.
fire place in the parlor. its aburnin' right now. =]]
master bedroom..closet. didnt take a pic of the bed. too private.
stairs goin' up. their green..carpet. under is hardwood. extremely narrow steps....curves.
view goin' down the stairs...scary....
view as soon as u get upstairs. main room...
to the left is the upstairs cousin's (kind of) room.
the other kid's room. window in the back...kinda light...sorry.

best view ever...just stepped outside on the roof. =]] yay for old weird houses. house ever...(almost)... =]] love all s.

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